Have you always wondered how much fees and taxes you need to pay for those shares you bought or sold? Instead of waiting for the contract statement to be posted to you, find out immediately using CashBench’s Excel Tool!
Buying 1000 shares with a share price of $5.00 should cost $5,000. But, this does not include all the different fees and taxes we need to pay.
How much do we really need for these fees, commissions, charges & taxes? Try calculating it yourself and you’ll soon find that even a calculator doesn’t help you very much. Why? Because there are 4 types of fees and taxes, with 3 different tier rates to take care of!
Now, CashBench can get rid of that problem for you. Take charge of your investments today and use the CashBench Excel Tool to determine exactly how much you’ll need to pay for these fees and taxes. Just key in 2 pieces of information: the number of shares you are buying or selling, and the current share price. For example, 1000 shares at $5.00 per share will actually cost $5,029.30. That’s almost $30 of fees and taxes. If we are selling these shares, we’ll only get back $4,970.70.
Sample Calculation: $29.30 Fees & Taxes
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